Welcome to Double Shoals Baptist Church

Where faith, hope and love are nourished!

We meet for Sunday School at 9 am and worship at 10 am.

On Wednesday evenings we gather for a family meal from 5:30-6 followed by Adult Bible Study, Youth Bible Study and hang out, Children dig deeper with singing and Bible Lessons.

Thank you so much for your support and love!  It is because of your generosity that we are able to show God's love and share the good news of Jesus to our community through programs for children, youth, adults, and seniors. We support food banks, children's homes, recreation ministries, and medical missions as we worship God and seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus from Double Shoals all the way to Togo Africa! 

We have been serving this community for 125 years. We are a modest sized church with a giant-sized heart.  We are in our third sanctuary and have added a family life center, full sized gymnasium, a beautiful prayer garden with a columbarium. Our grounds and cemetery are beautiful and inspire faith. Our people are devoted to the Lord, have good hearts, and genuinely care about others. 

We love God and We Love People!

Seeking to be the body of Christ

It is our heart, as a church, to serve the people of Double Shoals by providing opportunities to worship, study, and serve others. We focus on Jesus' teachings and happily share His gospel. The Bible is our guide for faith and practice. 

We welcome all who are curious about God, seek a closer relationship with Jesus, and care about people. 

As Baptists we believe in religious freedom, soul freedom, the authority of Scripture, voluntarism, missions and evangelism, and democratic congregational church polity. 

You will find genuine friendly folks here at Double Shoals with something for every age in the family. 

We appreciate all who participate and are generous with their time, resources, and most of all their love!